Ingame Character details:1. Name/nick:Aciid
2. Class:Paladin
3. Specc: Holy, 50/11/0, Respeccing won`t be a problem.
4. Equipment:
Brutal Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves:
5. Professions: Alchemy(375)/Herb(375), Alchemy for the trinket and Herb to gather and skill up for that moment but now it even helps me make pots/flasks for free.I am an Elixir master, but I cant make all the flasks yet
Player details:1. Name:Asad
2. Age:19
3. Sex:Male
4. Country:Pakistan
5. Activity:I`ve been pretty inactive now aday`s as I dont have any guild, but as soon I`m in,I can easily log 4-5 hours per day or more.
6. Tell us a bit about yourself:I`m from Pakistan, not a very greedy or rude person, I do care about the objective given to me and fulfill it.
General details:1. Your previous experiences in WoW: Pre TBC:Naxx,BWL,AQ20,MC.
TBC:Kara,ZA,Gruul,Mag,SSC 5/6 (Have done till vashj Phase 3 start),TK 3/4,MH 5/5, BT 5/9.
2. What Guild/s have you been in?:God Father(Did kara/gruul),SBA (SSC/TK),OpenSource (MH/BT).
3. Reason you left them:All disbanded
4. Why do you think Impaired is the guild for you?:It seems you have a friendly community,and I want to start my next raids with you guys and we sure can end up the game.
5. Do you have Ventrilo and microphone?:Yes I do have VT & a working Microphone.
6. Your goals in WoW?:To end this game before next expansion.
7. Whatever else you think is important:Well, beside this I have mats for my SR gear just need HOD`s and someone to craft it for me.I also have a decent PC with good cooling system,sometimes my internet seems to be rude but I can smell if its going to be and I`ll report you.
Else that if something shows up in irl I would skip raid and let you guys know before skipping.
Thanks for reading.