Ingame Character details:
1. Name/nick vdvd
2. Class Warlock
3. Specc ( Desired spec + motiation for why that specific spec is the best for your job) 0/21/40 got hit cappd and 20% crit unbuffed. that spec is most efficient dps with my gear
4. Equipment (Armor profile, Ctprofile, etc.) i always have pvp gear on so armoury will show pvp gear.. i can always sho my gear to the CL or gm
5. Professions (And why) ench / tailoring for ring enchant and shadow set.
Player details:
1. Name Mohsin
2. Age 21
3. Sex M
4. Country Pakistan/ UK (studying in the UK)
5. Activity (write down when you are capable of being online) im online most of the day at random times.. the raid timmings is ok for me np
6. Tell us a bit about yourself im studying in the UK.. love sports, music and gaming
General details:
1. Your previous experiences in WoW (raids, servers, etc.) started wow after TBC. cleared ZA gruul mag Kz SSC 6/6 and TK 3/4
2. What Guild/s have you been in? first and last guild (immunetodeath)
3. Reason you left them?total guild disband
4. Why do you think Impaired is the guild for you? seems like a nice guild with a gr8 start.. and i would like to help progress fast
5. Do you have Ventrilo and microphone? yes
6. Your goals in WoW? clear all the content blizzard has to offer
7. Whatever else you think is important. hope to get a reply soon.