Ingame Character details:
1. Name/nick : Undead
2. Class : priest
3. Specc ( Desired spec + motiation for why that specific spec is the best for your job) : Holy (20/41/0)
4. Equipment (Armor profile, Ctprofile, etc.) :
5. Professions (And why) : Nothing
Player details:
1. Name : mohammed
2. Age : 23
3. Sex : male
4. Country : Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
5. Activity (write down when you are capable of being online) : 24 Hours
6. Tell us a bit about yourself : nice guy i love helping people ....
General details:
1. Your previous experiences in WoW (raids, servers, etc.) : SSC 1/6 , TK 2/4 , MH 4/5 , BT 4/9
2. What Guild/s have you been in? sky drakes
3. Reason you left them ? Because Guild Master And Officers choose Spots Raid For Girls Only :S
4. Why do you think Impaired is the guild for you? Nice Guild And people
5. Do you have Ventrilo and microphone? Yes
6. Your goals in WoW? T6
7. Whatever else you think is important : Nothing