Ingame Character details:
1. Name/nick: Fault
2. Class: Mage
3. Specc ( Desired spec + motiation for why that specific spec is the best for your job): 2/48/11 for nice dps
4. Equipment (Armor profile, Ctprofile, etc.): here is the armory link but i donīt think that it works atm
5. Professions (And why): Tailoring and enchanting. I have enchanting because of ring enchants and it is a good money source.
Player details:
1. Name: Christer
2. Age: 23
3. Sex: Male
4. Country: sweden
5. Activity (write down when you are capable of being online): every day after 16.00
6. Tell us a bit about yourself: I live alone in my apartment and i like beer
General details:
1. Your previous experiences in WoW (raids, servers, etc.): 5/5 mh 6/6 ssc 3/4 tk and almost everything pretbc
2. What Guild/s have you been in?: Ad acta was my latest guild
3. Reason you left them: i lefted them becouse i did stop playing wow for 2-3 month
4. Why do you think Impaired is the guild for you?: I want to be in a guild that knows what they are doing and have some goals in the game
5. Do you have Ventrilo and microphone?: yea
6. Your goals in WoW?: My goals are to clear as much as possible and have fun
. Whatever else you think is important: To always be prepared