Ingame Character details:
1. Name/nick :mortal
2. Class: warlock
3. Specc ( Desired spec + motiation for why that specific spec is the best for your job) destruction
4. Equipment (Armor profile, Ctprofile, etc.)
5. Professions (And why) Tailoring and enchanting
Player details:
1. Name: saif
2. Age: 20
3. Sex: male
4. Country: dubai
5. Activity (write down when you are capable of being online): 7 days a week, anytime
6. Tell us a bit about yourself: im a wowa-holic and im proud of that
been playing for 5 years transfered recentley to the server didnt find any guilds worth while i need a serious pve guild that fits my experience =)
General details:
1. Your previous experiences in WoW (raids, servers, etc.): kara,ZA,gruul,maggy,ssc/tk and first boss in sunwell --- my only previous server was skullcrusher
2. What Guild/s have you been in?since i cam to maggy i been guildless most of the time and the guilds i been in were just my own guilds
foolin around a bit =D
3. Reason you left them
4. Why do you think Impaired is the guild for you?Bcuz its a serious raiding guild and meets my expectations =)
5. Do you have Ventrilo and microphone? Vent yes mic dunno bout that might be somewhere in the house gotta look for it
6. Your goals in WoW? Reaching end game instances before the release of lich king
7. Whatever else you think is important: my enchanting and my tailoring is maxxed out and i got 1200 + SD and 3/5 t4 full epic geared