Ingame Character details:
1. Name/nick: Xeqtorus
2. Class: Hunter
3. Specc: Beast Master.
I love BM (Beast Master), bcuz I find it very funny and helpfull in raid or parties cur of the pet bonus damage.
4. Equipment:
My items are not even close to my real skill (
), but i love WoW and i got a lot of time to improve that aspect.
5. Professions: Skinning 375/375, Leatherworking 373/375.
I just need 2 more points in Leatherworking and im max skill.
When i started this hunter i told myself that it will be a Pvp one ..but i really miss old days. . and when i say that i mean PVE!
Player details:
1. Name: Cristian
2. Age: 23
3. Sex: Male
4. Country: Romania
5. Activity: Electrical Engineer at a small company here in my city, but i got plenty of time to play WoW don`t worry
(that`s why i got 3 70 ` s
6. Tell us a bit about yourself: 23 years old, and i`m from Romania, Oradea.
I started playing WoW 2 years ago as Alliance on server Bladefist as a Rogue. On that server i`ve been raiding with a guild called Eximius and we were going quite nice untill some greed fight made the guild fall apart (Kids).
After that event i started a new character as a Warrior on same realm. He was a tank, and i wac Ot in my guild called LostAngels.
Then a friend of mine told me to join a new server as Horde, made an Hunter, named Anduril .. the realm was Outland. Then after 4 months my friend sugested me to migrate to Maghteridon ..and here i am (Xeqtorus).
General details:
1. Your previous experiences in WoW: Rogue and Warrior cleared Kara back in the old days, SSc, Grul`s, and started SSc.
2. What Guild/s have you been in?:
Eximius on Bladefist; LostAngels on Bladefist; Nevermore on Outland; Legion inc on Maghteridon (as the first guild i joined on this realm to help a friend of mine).
3. Reason you left them: I left them cuz there never were enough active players and the one that were active were just kids or got theyr account from Ebay.. if u know what i mean.
4. Why do you think Impaired is the guild for you?: I think it is the time to start to raid again like i did before. I heard that Impaired got just a few hunters so i said to try my luck, like my friend i was talking earlier did, and was accepted (DArkGaze).
I heard that Impaired members are mature one`s and responsables, and that`s what i need just now, some experienced ppl to raid with!
I also heard that u got a nice Hc organisation .. and that`s what i aim at ..for the beginning.
5. Do you have Ventrilo and microphone? Yes them both.
6. Your goals in WoW? I just want to have a good time .. and learn more and more from experienced ppl, cuz is my favourite game ..and the only i play.
7. Whatever else you think is important: Just one more thing .. all the peoples hate Bm`s, and never in them in parties for HC ..just for the reason they are low AP, lower than Marksmanship`s but i think that`s not a fact ..cuz Bm`s can own in Pve as dps or CC!
The friend i talked about earlier (Darkgaze) can provide u more information about my ingame experience.
Ps: Hope to see that message soon: "Welcome"
Ty for you`re time! have a nice day.